By Faye Gelfand on Sunday, November 4, 2007 | 1 comments

This is a bit late, I actually released these products a few days ago, but better late then never right?

For the Men:

Plain Long Sleeve Shirts: Good for use as an undershirt with a tee over it.

Taien: Two tone long sleeve shirt paired with corduroy pants. Colors come in black, brown, red, blue, and green.
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Men's Trenchcoat: With optional fur trimming. Only comes in black and white. Fur trimming comes in black and white for each as well.
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For Women:

Tracy: For that classy vintage look. Inspired from when I watched the movie Hairspray... from months ago. I work slow! Comes in black, blue, pink, red, yellow, and green.
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Briony: Wanna look... trashy with style? Haha... then wear this great outfit, comes in two versions of fishnet top too! Comes in black, red, blue, green, and yellow.
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Kerry: Be warm for the fall in a nice turtle neck sweater. Skirt... will keep you warm too! xD Comes in red, green, blue, yellow, and black.
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For All:

Dirty Jeans: Be dirty! Comes in standard jeans colors, black, black washed (washed being faded), blue, dark blue, blue washed.
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Boyfriend's Shirt: Upon popular demand from the previous Girlfriend's shirt, here is the boyfriend's shirt! Only comes in black or pink.
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